Some of the examples of my portfolio can be found on GitHub
- Offline Analysis Tool for Ovation DCS (OvSys Tool)
Offline Analysis Tool for Ovation DCS (OvSys Tool) is a SW that allows various offline actions on backup of actual Ovation DCS. Actual DB, control sheets and graphics can be imported into this tool and parsed. After initial parse, this SW allows user to view the structure of the system, search and perform various tasks for analyzing the real systems.
One of the biggest advantage is possibility to create partial or full imports of DB that afterwards can be imported to life system. This allows to clone DB parts as well as transfer parts of one system to another one.
This SW was developed under .NET Framework (#C) and new version are still being developed.
- Logic Clone Tool for Ovation DCS (Sheet Generator)
Logic Clone Tool for Ovation DCS (Sheet Generator) is a SW that allows to generate logic sheets for Ovation DCS based on predefined patterns. Pattern are special sheet with logic/control for Ovation DCS that have special symbols that will be replaced with actual names. SW works according imported/created list of symbols and list of generated sheets.
Before generation, it is possible to validate lists.
This SW was developed under .NET Framework (#C).
- RLC Card Configurator for Ovation DCS (RLC Configurator)
RLC Card Configurator for Ovation DCS (RLC Configurator) is a SW that allows to generate a configuration file for Ovation RLC communication card. This card is used for Modbus RTU (serial) communication and it uses a specific format of configuration. This SW is designed to generate these configurations files with respect of consistency and it can validate if the configuration is correct.
The SW can be seen:
This SW was developed under .NET Framework (#C) and new version are still being developed.
- Send IP
Send IP is a small tool, which was developed in order to obtain the current IP address in case when it is dynamically changing and we need to know it. The tool can obtain the current IP via multiple servers and then it can either send it through email or save on disk/ftp storage.
The SW can be seen:
This SW was developed under .NET Framework (#C).