- Inspections of electrical systems and LPS
- External Influence Report
Part of a documentation for electrical system should be a determination of the external influences that can affect the electrical system or building as whole. This determination should be part of the technical report or better, it should be created as a standalone document, which called External Infuence Report (Protokol o určení vnějších vlivů in czech). In my experience, this report is not often present or it is done in wrong way. According the actual czech legislature, this needs to be presented before the initial inspections of the electrical system. I offer making this report as well as I offer to be part of a commission that determines these external influences.
- Switchboard Design
The switchboard design is an important part of design of the electrical systems.
- One line diagrams for existing or newly-designed electrical systems
During design of new electric system or mapping of existing one, it is important to properly draw one line diagram which graphically shows the electrical system.
- Calculations for existing or newly-designed electrical systems
During design of new electric system or mapping of existing one, it is important to properly calculate load /voltages etc. in order to validate whether the electric system is properly designed or not. Properly designed means there is no overload, all breakers and cables are properly sized and voltage loss on consumer does not exceeds certain limits.